The spheres of political action in nursing case

The spheres of political action in nursing case:The spheres of political action in nursing can also be identified as different levels in policy. According to our lesson the different levels can include workplace, government, associations or groups and the community. Political action will be apparent in all four levels. Involving our workplace, politics will always be present. There are different levels of managerial positions that lead up to the administrative level, where majority of decisions for the organization are made. Within the government level, all political actions and decisions are made primarily at the capital during session. This level is the highest because of the decisions that must be made not only state wide, but country wide and affects everyone across the US. The next level of associations or groups focuses on political action on a smaller scale. Examples of this type of association would include The Association of Women’s Health Obstetric and Neonatal Nurses (AWHONN). This association meets once a month to discuss current break through with new medical research that will benefit our patients. The final level would include the community. This level would incorporate everyone in the community who wants to help in making a positive difference in our community and even in our school systems. It’s very important to have nurses involved in the development of health policy. According to IOM, “Nurses are well qualified to participate in developing health policy by applying their knowledge of the health-care system and their analytic and communication skills” (Hall Ellenbecker et al., 2017, p. 44). The experience nurses have from working on the floor allows them to give real life scenarios when it comes to putting new health policies into action and if it will be successful or not.
Currently in my workplace they are starting to roll out a new acuity system that should be incorporated state wide soon in all hospitals. The system is called Clarvia. The government is setting certain standards the hospitals are supposed to follow when it comes to the correct number of hours of care each patient needs to get depending on their acuity level. The administration level of our organization decided to roll out the new system called Clarvia. It will be the charge nurse’s responsibility to make sure the assignment for every nurse on the floor is fair and correct. The responsibility of the nurse on the floor will be to chart properly and timely for the system to update the correct acuity for the patient, so if needed, the charge nurse will see the acuity has changed for this patient and the assignment needs to be changed so the patient can have the proper care they need. The workplace and government levels overlap here because the organization is having to roll out a new system throughout the organization to reach standards set by the government. Some ethical considerations to think about for the overlapping of the levels include considerations of how this system will work for the patient. Will the patient be affected in a negative way with this new system or can it benefit the patient in the level of care the patient will receive once the acuity is updated throughout the shift. It always helps to have the opinion of the nurses on the floor before rolling out a new procedure or system. The floor nurses know from experience what works best and what may not succeed as well and unfortunately majority of the time, nurses’ opinions are not asked or taken into consideration.

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