Description – Add to Unit 1 IP  see attached outlined – This is Week 2 IP

 Deliverable Length: Word document of 4–5 pages (excluding references and cover page) 

The retail store has provided you with a list of some of the business rules that they use to conduct business on a daily basis. The company has also provided you with the subjects of interest to them, namely those things that the company wants to track in the process of taking orders from their customers. What can be done to effectively document the relational database system solution that you are proposing to the retail store?

Review these worked examples.

The project deliverables are as follows:

  • Subjects of Interest (proposed entities)
    • Customers
    • Orders
    • Products
    • Add a minimum of 3 of your own subjects of interest based on your retail store.
  • Business Rules
    • Each product is assigned to a maximum of 1 category.
    • A person who has placed at least 1 order is a customer.
    • All products have a minimum reorder level.
    • Add a minimum of 3 of your own business rules based on your retail store.
  • Entity–Relationship Model (4–5 pages)
    • Include a list of the business rules that will be enforced by the proposed database system.
    • Include a list or table of the entities, attributes (including data types), relationships, and cardinality constraints.
    • Include an entity–relationship (E–R) diagram that uses crow’s foot notation and graphically depicts the entities, attributes (including data types), and relationships (including degree and cardinality constraints).
    • Verify that the data design that is depicted in the E–R diagram adheres to a minimum of third normal form (3NF), and if necessary, provide documentation and justification for the use of a higher level of normal form.
  • Provide your analysis as to how this part of the project fulfills the mission and 1 or more goals of the case study organization.
  • Note: Use Microsoft Visio or equivalent to create the E–R diagram. You will embed the diagram in the Word document and also provide it as an attachment.
  • All sources should be cited both in-text and in References using APA format.
  • Name the document "yourname_CS660_IP2.doc."


The retail store has experienced signi�cant growth in the recent months. The customers have expressed an

interest in being able to purchase the retail store’s products electronically. Currently, the retail store has a

simple Web site, but it is not clear that the system can support dynamic interaction on the Web site or online

purchases. The main database system that is used in the physical store has not been working correctly,

however, and this is an issue. The retail store wants to be able to eventually integrate an online database

system with the current order entry system that is used to support sales made in the local store. The retail store

also needs the database system to enforce the rules that have been established for their business practices.

What can be done to support the goals and objectives for meeting the needs of their customers?

Review these examples to help you with this assignment.

It is assumed that Microsoft SQL Server Express Edition (with management tools) was chosen as the database

platform. It can be downloaded for free at this Web site.

You have been asked to develop a solution in the form of a Database System Development Plan for your retail

store using the following format:

Database System Development and Implementation Plan

Use Microsoft Word

Title page

Course number and name

Project name

Your name


Table of contents (TOC)

Use auto-generated TOC

Maximum of 3 levels deep

Be sure to update the �elds of the TOC so it is up-to-date before submitting your project.

Section headings (create each heading on a new page with TBD as content except for sections listed under

new content below)

Each week, you will add a section to this Database System Development and Implementation Plan and submit it

for grading. As a preview, each section will contain the following:

Database System Overview (Week 1 IP)

Entity Relationship Model (Week 2 IP)

Structured Query Language (SQL) Scripts (Week 3 IP)

Database Administration Plan (Week 4 IP)

Future Database System Implementation Plan (Week 5 IP)

Database System Overview (4–5 pages)

The project deliverables are as follows:

Assignment Details Close

Unit 1 – Individual Project (100 points) Due: Sun, Jul 28 |

Describe the general business environment for the case study organization.

Include a database system goals and objectives statement.

Include a narrative that discusses how the proposed database system addresses the presenting business


Include a narrative that demonstrates how the proposed system aligns to the mission statement and

strategic goals of the organization.

Identify the mission and goals of the case study retail store, and provide your analysis as to how this part of

the project ful�lls the mission and/or goals of the case study organization.

All sources should be cited both in-text and in references using APA format.

Name the document "yourname_CS660_IP1.doc."

Submit the document for grading.


Microsoft (2023). Industry-leading Performance and Security with SQL Server 2019.


Please submit your assignment.

For assistance with your assignment, please use your textbook, all course resources, and any

external research and resources you have gathered.